Month: May 2013

  • Tonight:
    ---Charge & back-up iPhone.
    ---Sign new contract.
    ---Email Mindy about the student with the Incomplete.
    ---Make sure newest draft of textbook is at home office.
    ---Review what's left to read in new book for fall's Eng120.
    ---Double-check links in summer course online.

  • I can only hope the projects in my classes are to my students what biking is to me... "work" disguised as "fun."

    -When in a hotel, I sometimes feel the need to check out the fitness center & bump the incline up on the treadmill. And watch TV. I should probably get a bike machine for our living room = I don't feel like biking is exercise.

    -Learning about Common Core State Standards... yeah. My brain hurts. But I'm meeting fun people & getting paid to learn. Yay!?

  • Once a Wildcat, ...

    Grades are in. This completes my eighth year at NDSCS.

    And that means I've taught here for as many years as I went to college/grad school.
    So, officially, I am as much a Wildcat as I am a Bison.
  • Things that make you go... HUH?

    Some student complained recently that a deadline we had on Wednesdays was just too much for his/her schedule. He/she had other things to do that day... blahblahblah.

    BUT what I'm wondering is, um, then why didn't the student do the homework on TUESDAY or MONDAY? Like, they know they don't HAVE to do the homework on the due date, right?
    This is why I have a hard time moving my deadlines with online classes; every semester students say I should move my Saturday deadlines to Sunday. Before they were on Saturday, they were on Friday nights, and I got asked to move them back so students would "have more time." But, um, they already have A WHOLE WEEK to do the homework. And my courses online never had "closed" sections, so they could totally work ahead. 
    This all makes me go "huh"?
  • It's here.


    It's here.
    The last week of the school year.
    And this year... well, it was not easy. 
    September and October seemed like years by themselves, 
    a colleague who retired might not be replaced, and 
    I decided to chop up my body before Spring Break.
    If this was Year 8, and I have 20+ more to go, 
    I guess I should just hunker down and enjoy it all...