
  • Tomorrow:
    ---Finalize the on-campus syllabi as much as possible; I can add in activities as I go along!
    ---Put together the first packet(s) in CW211?
    ---Contact some place in town about a highlight appt for Thursday afternoon?
    ---Grocery shopping after figuring out some couponing*.

    Idea for Online English 120:
    ---Add in images (that deal with argument, etc.) from Pinterest I've collected.

    *My sister-in-law counted up how much she saved last year couponing = $800.
    And those were just the receipts she kept! I need to keep mine & add 'em up, too.

  • I'm Full.

    Oh. My. Goodness.
    All my classes [finally] filled up which is great and not-so-great all at once.
    I'm at 6 classes, again, instead of 5.
    The extra money is wonderful, of course, but I will probably have 3 classes this summer, and basically, I get no "break" from fullness. Okay, August. And I detest that I am complaining about this, because I love my job and, as I mentioned, I appreciate the extra money; however... it's overwhelming time and time again. It just is. That's fact. So, it is what it is. And who knows if I'm going to have extra things in the next few years (can't say much, but it's publishing-related); I do know that I will be developing Intro to Creative Writing 211 for online usage Spring 2013.

    The fact that my online course EXPLODES into two section every semester has got to be an indication of a few things. I hope, and this is me being negative, that it isn't because it's too easy or something along those lines. Then again, I don't think there are a lot of ways to cheat in my course. I could just spice up some quizzes (or add some) or even just revise an assignment or two.

    This week will be a bit insane for me. I feel like I should enjoy my last day "off" with some errand-running and second-hand-store shopping. I have lasagna soup (or, rather, meatball & cheese ravioli soup) in the crockpot, so dinner will be ready whenever. I wish a crockpot could take care of my class prep; I suppose, though, that the way I prep is like a crockpot. I make lists and put them all together (ingredients) and let them simmer in my head. The outcome only takes hours, and it rarely gets tossed out.
    :o )

    *Idea for CW211: Make packets for each genre. This way, I only have to create the INTRO and POETRY packets right now. Little by little wins the race, kids.

  • The Controversy of Words.

    Students like controversy.
    But they rarely see the controversy in subjects that are required.
    I'm watching football right now; the math behind figuring out who plays who for the playoffs = very confusing & therefore, controversial.
    And it's easy to see how science is controversial...
    But what about English?
    ... Clinton's mishap could display it?
    ... Propaganda?
    ... Jokes? Double entendres?
    ... Signs?

    I also had an idea while driving yesterday = in the online quizzes, I should reinforce ideas/syllabi stuff through the quiz answer explanations?

  • More Tidbits and Doodles.

    Comma Cop image... with a Stop Sign and a sentence after it. "We went here, and then we went over there."

    Header in my syllabus: What You Can Expect From Me - a) to push you, b) to grade fairly & non-secretively & quickly, c) to assign creative activities that will make you think... then a header that states: What I Will Expect From You - a) respect in all correspondence, b) no late work, c) effort in writing well and creatively...

    Should we consider peer-reviewing our classrooms = inviting a random faculty member to visit once per semester ...

    P2: Summarize in 500 words (after writing big huge paper), then summarize in 250 words, then summarize in a tweet.

    TYCA 2017?

    Have a Facebook Page/Group?

    What are my duties and labels? What are yours?

  • The One Big...

    Critical Assignment = I think everyone should assign one of these in their classes. Even just taking a project you already have them complete & making it more "thought-building." Maybe just taking out the uber specific directions... anything to make them think MORE about how to complete it. Then, maybe, their critical thinking skills would increase??

    +Other Recent Thoughts On Life and Learning:

    1.When students take our courses, we assess them. Now, are we really TECHNICALLY assessing what they've learned in our classes? Not really... I mean, if they knew how to write before they took my English 110, and they score well, then DUH, it wasn't really me. However, if they can't write, and they take my English 110 and are assessed (and "can't write"), then who is really to blame? My semester-long class or the 12 years of schooling they had before me? I'm just saying... and what bugs me the most is that many people on campus will say, "Our students can't write." Sure, some of them can't. But it's not like I can turn them around in 16 weeks ESPECIALLY if they skip class.

    2.I'd like good sample papers from other teachers who don't teach English.
    3.I'd like the writing instructions they use, too. How are they assigning the paper? What are the guidelines?

    4.P3 in English 120... maybe I should add a challenge that if they want to take a typically non-Pro/Con issue and make it so, that would be crazy. Like, what is the Pro to smoking or tanning?
    5.Reading Activity #32: Elevator (finding the main idea in a reading = can you tell someone about the topic in an elevator ride... can you make it concise, essentially?).

    6.In the syllabus, just state that they have to email me with late work stuff; they'll have to explain the reason, etc. Period.
    7.iPad = Autodesk, Stetchbook Pro?

    8.P2 in English 110 = Maybe THEY should create the genres?
    9.Maybe the presentation for P2 in Eng110 should be where the students show off the genres instead of a Prezi? Less copy/paste??

    10.P4 presentations should, maybe, be due to a spot online before everyone presents. This might keep that "last minute working while others are presenting" crap to a minimum?
    11.Remind them, on the P4 handout, that ALL group members should keep track of ALL of the necessary documents. I dislike this "Billy had the quiz" stuff.

    12.P4=any errors in presentation = big deduction. This IS an English class, for crying out loud.
    13.Instead of answering my students questions ("When is this due?"), ask them questions back like, "Where do you think you could find that info?" They'll use Google for everything else but basic class stuff. Ugh. Also, when they ask why they got X on a paper; I could ask, "Well, what was required?" Make them think = Metacognitive!

    14."Just because you don't have a plan, doesn't mean you don't have a plan."
    15.New Poster Session requirements are on a document somewhere.

    "You have to evolve no matter what you teach."

  • Cannibalistic Punctuation.

    [This could potentially be a great side project for my students, in English 110,
    while they are putting together their P4 presentations.
    Maybe this is the new P4.5? Hm...]

    Here's another sample:

  • Little Victories.

    ---Maybe I should consider making more of booklet for the English 110 syllabus next fall. That may be kind of fun. And I should put some essays/articles in there so that if the bookstore has issues with my books again, I'm prepared to have 'em read some things in the syllabus (well, there's always Doc Sharing, too). Here's what I've saved thus far for English 110.
    ---And then there's English 120 Online. I don't have a lot of flexibility with how that syllabus looks, but I could make the printable version pretty neat. Yeah. They jump right into using the book, kind of. Well, the first two weeks are book-free to a certain degree, so I could use some of the articles/essays I have linked to Delicious as reading material during those first days.
    ---I don't have as much new stuff for World Literature (English 240), but I'll dig around this summer...

  • Hold Your Horses.

    I have a lot to write/blog about as far as today's panels & sessions are concerned, but I'll do that tomorrow or this weekend when I have more energy and ... that means having the energy to grab my bag and find my notes. Yikes. Anyhow, more later people. "Hold your horses."

  • Spring Break Thoughts...

    icefishing "It's really hard to teach those who know it all." - Him, sarcastically after trying to give me ice-fishing advice. Me: "I know! Ask my students."

    Other thoughts post-ice-fishing trip to Lake Of The Woods (a Spring Break trip I hope becomes a ritual)...
    --- Sometimes you just have to leave all the work to the lure; if'it's not attractive, all the jiggin' in the world might not help.
    --- Patience can pay off, and usually does in some way.
    --- Even if you are gentle with something, it still might "die." (baby sauger)

  • Everything here (text and images) is from
    ---"One of the reasons that I like to do both text and live interviews is that it gives me the opportunity to reflect on my practices both as a blogger and as a teacher. I was thinking about this this morning when it hit me, "more teachers should interview each other."
    "Teachers interviewing teachers would provide a forum that stimulates reflection on our classroom practices. This could be done as an exercise in a staff meeting or department meeting. Develop a set a interview questions, but feel free to go off-script as necessary, and have teachers actually conduct interviews with each other. The interview doesn't necessarily have to appear on the web to be a meaningful exercise. In fact, in some cases it might be best to not have it appear on the web because some teachers may be reluctant to share their true thoughts on the web."
    ---Maybe we should invite our online students to campus for a f2f meeting about online courses

    I just tagged a whole lot of stuff from this site in my Delicious account. Whew!