September 5, 2007

  • “Don’t worry ’bout him; he’s just an old guy.”
    The morning walk produced this awkward chain of thoughts in my head. I know a lot of “old guys,” and usually, but not always, they are the typical “dirty old men” too. Now, here’s my pondering: when I am around these sorts of “old men,” they’ll tell all sorts of jokes that offend everyone but themselves. Degrading sexist jokes, horrible racist jokes, and, of course, use the word I love to hear – the N-word (heavy sarcasm). Now, what I find INTRIGUING is that once the tables are turned on these lovers of free speech, they don’t like it too much. Tell a joke about President Bush or tell a story about a female basketball player, who after we went to war with Iraq, didn’t want to stand for the National Anthem, and all hell breaks loose. They like when free speech pertains to them, but just to them. And they’re usually all for a war because NONE OF THEIR CHILDREN ARE OVER THERE. And if they are, then they’d rather they die conforming than rebelling and heading off to Canada. Only sissies do that. One dies honorably if one dies in a dumb war.

    *I have no idea why I’ve become so political lately, but I guess these things have crept into my brain.
    *Did anyone see that Daily Show episode where he showed clips before and after the war?… How Bush flip-flopped or changed his mind on the necessity of timetables, for example (before the war, yes to timetables, now, not so much)… here’s a similar clip, but not the one I am thinking of.

    con·ser·va·tive (adj.)  

    1. Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change.
    2. Traditional or restrained in style: a conservative dark suit.

    lib·er·al (adj.)  

    1. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
    2. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.

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