December 14, 2010

  • 10 Ways To Boost Creativity...

    From Shelby's paper -
    Ten Ways to Boost Your Creativity:  
    To facilitate your personal development and self growth, here are some creativity tips you can use to resurrect, refresh and enhance your creative faculties:
    1. Look after yourself. Sleep well, eat well, do what you enjoy and do it more often. Creativity is reduced when your senses are dulled.
    2. Do something different. We do so much automatically... Vary one element of your regular routine for a while. Take a different route to work or watch a different TV show.
    3. Be curious about your world around you. It always amazes me when people don’t see what’s around them. See the area you live/work in as a tourist would. How would you explore it if you were a tourist?
    4. Read a book on something you previously had no interest in … and see if you can create interest while reading it.
    5. Do something childlike once in a while.
    6. Create quiet time for yourself everyday. Not to do anything, but just to clear and refresh your mind.
    7. Ask “what if” questions. Just for fun and see where the answers take you.
    8. We often make assumptions …about the people we work with (especially if we don’t like them!) try treating someone you don’t particularly like at work as if you liked them. How would you act towards them?
    9. Write and storyboard your life …as if it were a script you had to sell to a film company.
    10. Talk to people you routinely ignore. Imagine their lives from their point of view, the often have viewpoints which you may never have considered before.

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