December 20, 2010

  • Notes from Sunday:
    Okay, tomorrow I have to finish up assessing with my last class (WL240 Online). That shouldn't be an all-day event, so after that's taken care of, I'll email those students - give them a few hours to look at the grades - and place final grades in PeopleSoft* (tomorrow evening or Tuesday morning?); from there, I'll move on to my teacher-technology Google Reader blogs and make a list of things to accomplish the week after Christmas but before NYE (Student Eval + LIFE goals = draft = what does that look like?). Yeah. I think Barb wants me to look at a document for her (proofread), and I should look through my tenure portfolio to see what I'll need to beef up this time around.

    Tonight or tomorrow night: Wrap the last gifts and make a list of things to purchase, yet, on Tuesday when I'm in Fargo.
    Reminder: Hair appointment @JCP, 4pm Tuesday with Mandi!

    *All final grades entered for 4/5 classes as of 1pm Monday.