May 27, 2008

  • The less I blog, the more I have confusing/interesting/odd thoughts daily that make me think,

    So, what did I do over Memorial Day weekend? I crammed myself into my closet (not to experience the “homosexual closet,” mind you) in order to really TRULY clean it. And about 5+ garbage bags of clothes later (as well as a $7 in white hangers and a $5 light fixture), it is a closet I can FIND THINGS IN. Amazing. I realized I was using my dressers in my actual room for the underwear arena (which worked) and t-shirts/tops (which didn’t). So I rearranged. Only underwear and pjs/workout clothing are outside of the closet now. I put away my fall/school pants and huge sweaters in see-through bins out of my reach in the closet. I color-coded my tops and vests and tank-tops and dresses. I folded my jeans and categorized them (need-to-be-skinny-to-wear-this-pile, not my favorites pile, etc). I even filtered my t-shirts (patterened/designed, words on them, plain, and stripes/pok-a-dots). Plus, I listened to my sisters’s idea (yea, don’t tell her that) to use white hangers; this allows one to see their clothing better. All in all, it may be a disaster area once again by summer’s end, but for now, it’s my mini-fashion-church. Oh, I even lined up my shoes (put away my “winter” ones, again, in see-through bins) on the floor for easier access; previously, I had them in a pile and would spend many minutes trying to find a freaking match while hustling my butt out the door.

    What else have I thought about? Right now, nothing comes flying at me, but I have had conversations with people that have lead me to believe that a) I can see old situations that happened with old friends happeneing with new ones (yikes – don’t repeat history!), b) my perceptions of people are often different than others’ perceptions (thinking of a reality show here), and c) I am who I am and while I try to be a better person, there are certain things that need to be said. The line, “Be nice,” works only to a certain extent because not everyone has earned my nice-ness. And sometimes, I think that we have to be the 2x4s that smack others upside the head, in a gentle way, of course. Otherwise, they will continue to do uncool things to many people.

    Man, I have missed blogging. It feels to even type thoughts since I’ve spent the last few days using my arm muscles and legs and stomach to lift and bend and push and move items. I didn’t take the new bike out yet because of the weather and also because I’ve been sore from spending 5+ hours sorting and rearranging that dang closet.

    And… now for some Chuck Klosterman (courtesy of the folded pages in my library book): “What exactly is reality?”: “How do we know what we know?” … “Most people consider forgetting stuff to be a normal part of living. However, I see it as a huge problem; in a way, there’s nothing more I fear.” = BLOG! “I think this is what motivates people to have children. [...] The import of you existence can be validated by whoever you bring into the world.” So, hopefully, the Bush twins will make their pa look good? “All the academics give props to older academics no one else has ever heard of.” Yep. Been to those conferences. (About reading a newspaper ->) “HOWEVER, the one thing nobody wants is sentences, and they certainly don’t want paragraphs. People despise paragraphs. Focus groups have proven this.” A great starter to a conversation in any English class. And if I assign this book in English 120, you can bet this essay, “All I Know is What I Read in the Papers,” will be first.

    So, good ol’ Chuck will go back to the library today. A few of my Amazon books have arrived, so I’ll jump into those as a very exciting weekend approaches: my sister turns 28 AND the Sex and the City movie will be showing! As for today, I hope to double-check the online course that starts up next Tuesday (will use Monday to do this too if need be) and then take the Trek for its first official spin in Wahpeton. Tomorrow may be more of the same (course prep, bike rides, reading, and maybe an attempt to use the sewing machine to fix a few items); Thursday has me heading to Fargo for the weekend’s festivities.

Comments (3)

  • “Sing in me muse,” indeed.

  • I totally agree with the nice-ness thing!  There are so many people that get free passes on being asses because we have to ‘be nice.”  It’s BS that you can’t speak up and say what needs to be said.  I have been referred to as “very opinionated” by people who like me, and much worse by others, because I state what I observe.  (Plus, I am not that nice! hee hee hee)

  • Exactly. We only know nice people are nice because we know those who are not nice.

    And… if everyone was nice, the world would be a better place. At least, in theory.

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