
  • pinetree I ran smack dab into a pine tree branch yesterday before the monthly Newbie Faculty meeting. The cause = winding blowing + hair in my face + my ability to not watch where I am going ever. I sat through most of the meeting with a runny right eye. Probably looked like I was crying and/or got into a fight. Wonderful.

    Last night, I had semi-nightmares about today's classes. I dreamt that my English 110 student showed clips of movies as their PPT MusicVideos. I sat, in the dream, getting more and more ticked off that they hadn't worked on their projects at all. Halfway through the dream, I realized I was dreaming. I still didn't find any humor in what was occurring, however. Even though I had that dream, and even though I know we'll run into "technical difficulties" here and there today and Friday, I think I am worrying for no apparent reason. This shouldn't be too shocking.

    Other Items: It's John Deere Day, and that means my English 105 class will be quiet once again (only 3 students in the class aren't in the John Deere program); it's a good thing this week consists of Work Days for their final projects. Beyond that, I am going to sneak downstairs to the Cider & Cookies that are going to be handed out from 2-4pm. Mm mm. And... lastly, I have to trek up to Fargo after classes in order to take a family photo with the clan. Oooof.

    *Note To Self: Need to get over to the bookstore tomorrow (?) and buy t-shirts for both set of grandparents; they are having a 30% off sale this week through Friday!

  • Monday night: Christmas shopping in FF.
    Tuesday night: TA meeting & Laundry?
    Wednesday night: Family photo & dinner in Fargo.
    Thursday night: Earl & Office, of course!
    Friday night: ?
    Weekend: Grading... finish up English 110's P3s, English 105's Proposals/Projects (any early portfolios)
    Next Monday: Regular classes (110: Final Test, Eval of PPT, My Words; 105: Portfolios, FC Presentations)
    Next Tuesday-Thursday: Finish up this semester & start to prepare for Spring...

    I am still stuck on my dad and my brother as far as Christmas gifts go, but I have time... I am quite content to leave this weekend for grading... curled up with hot chocolate, keeping warm in my apt with my three short Christmas trees hanging out in the corner... This is how I hope things go.

  • peace>> It's amazing what one can find by putting abstract terms into Yahoo! images. Like peace. >>

    This week did look quiet last week. Isn't that how it goes?
    I am excited to see my students' PPT MusicVideos (they're showing them off Wed & Fri). I think I allotted the right amount of time. Some are finished as of today, and some are in here utilizing this last Work Day. As it turns out, I didn't cram this project into a little over a week; it can be completed in this amount of time. Plus, since so many students have commented on how they are liking putting together this project, I think I may move it "up" in the semester's lineup and place it after Paper 2 instead of at the end. Perhaps the energy from this project, then, will leak into the last paper AND it'll break up the idea of completing 3 papers in row.

    Next Monday, I have a "Final Test" for them (Allison still needs to add the "back page" on or copy it separately) and I need them to write up their own evaluation of this PPT MusicVideo (having some questions for them to answer, to be placed on the board, may not be a bad idea). My Words will be assigned Monday as well; that last batch will be due during Finals Week (Wed?).

    English 105 students will hand in the Interview Assignment today and then use the rest of the week to complete their Final Portfolios & Fake Company Presentations (a handout on the requirements of each will be given out in class tomorrow). Bonus will be given to those portfolios that come in on Friday, but otherwise, both the Final Portfolio & Fake Company Presentation will have to be ready to go Monday (Dec 11).

    I have two meetings this week among the last bunch of classes and grading: Newbie Faculty mtg tomorrow at 4pm & a dept mtg on Thursday at 10am.

  • It was quite the insightful break.
    My grandpa is better now. Thank goodness.
    Yet, in realizing I could lose him and others, I was taught a lesson.

    Then something else hit me.
    My boyfriend and I were out Saturday night, and the jukebox started up "Piano Man." This one really tall guy started getting everyone into singing it, horribly or not.
    The moment was so nice.
    It was as if a banner could've gone across the screen to this whole scene stating: "Your life isn't so bad."
    I just had to smile; I need to cherish moments like that.

    I thoroughly enjoy the holiday season. It's the best feeling to cozy up in huge sweaters and drink hot chocolate and be with friends & family. It helps that the holidays, for me, also mean the ending of the fall semester and the start to a new one. But before the new one shows up, we'd better wrap up this one...

    These next two weeks before Finals Week consist of the following stuff: {see entry above}

    Due to NCTE in Nashville and to the short week last week and to the circumstances with my grandpa, I am way behind on grading. Or at least it feels that way. I need to catch up on English 105 first and then move onto Paper 3s for both English 110 and World Literature.