
  • Global warming produces tornadoes and all sorts of odd weather systems.
    Just like how I have been producing snot. Maybe there's no coincidence.

    Typically, for this fashionista/shopaholic, shopping is a fun adventure. Today was different. I basically waited for items to come up and bite me on the butt. I was just not into it (this, of course, doesn't mean my credit cards didn't warm up eventually). I was shopping mainly to get back into doing daily exercise (walking for most of the day, etc.) because I've been recuperating from a freaking stupid cold. I want to go for a bike ride tomorrow; it'd be nice to have the energy (lung capacity) to do that and feel like I am back to 100% health. That's all I am saying. Technically, I walked around from about 10:30am until 2pm, with a lunch break in there of maybe 15min. I suppose that's better than nothing.

    Another oddity, which may work in my favor, is my appetite. It's been lacking lately (started when I felt the worst last Thursday); I'll think about cooking something and end up asking myself, "Am I really hungry for that?" And I can cook up many delicious items. Sometimes, during the summer, my stomach gets like this, but it could also be a transitional phase from not feeling well/not eating a lot to regular eating/exercise. It seems like, since I don't get ill that often, when I do, I get smacked upside the melon with it. Probably also because it's my biggest pet peeve.

    I think I've written enough about having this dang cold, so I should probably just move onto other topics.

    So far, so good as far as the start to the summer school class is concerned. I definitely thought ahead when I gave the students these first two weeks to complete Units 1-4. I say that I was thinking ahead because a) that gives those who log in/get their books later on during that first week some time to get going, b) it allows me a buffer of two weeks+ before I have to assess anything, and c) this week & weekend are going to be too nuts for me to worry about assessment anyhow (little brother gets married Saturday!).

  • What do I really own about myself? My name? My first and middle name were chosen for me. My last name is my father's, essentially (links to previous entry doesn't it?). My personality? Nature & nuture, right? A little bit of genetics & a little bit of environment (being the oldest, growing up in ND, etc etc.). My looks? Genetics mostly, and my diet, and Mystic Tan. My intellect? Probably a little bit of everything. And why was I a bookworm at an early age? Mom read to me? Genetics (my dad loves to read, as does Robin, my youngest sister)? I may possibly only own my fashion sense, and even that was affected by Sex and the City.

    I sure do think of strange topics, don't I?

    So, I just wrote an email to welcome my English 120 students to the online summer course. I have a hair appointment in less than 30min, and then I have tidbits of this and that to accomplish for the rest of the day. This week seemed quiet at first (as does next week), but it's slowly filling up with projects.

    I did receive the last of my books I ordered, and now I await two shipments of shoe possibilities. Many places, due to the gas prices perhaps, are offering free shipping for orders over a certain amount. It seems like a better deal to me to pay $6.95 to try something on and ship it back rather than drive to Fargo or Minneapolis.

    It's supposed to rain most of the week. At first thought, this excites me. I love rainy days... thunderstorms. But then I realized that I'd like to bike around, and, honestly, sweating on a bike in 50 degree temps as the sky drips on you doesn't seem like a fun exercise. Plus, getting sick before my brother's wedding is not the best idea either. I guess I'll have to watch the skies for a break as well as use my huge exercise ball to get in some fat-burning sessions.

    Yesterday, on the way back from my boyfriend's brother's reception/visit to the parental unit, we talked about forgiveness, sort of. I often look at a person's drama and think, "Oh, this is silly; just forgive each other," etc. But it's not that simple, is it? That whole "easier said than done" quote constantly comes into play the older I get. Wisdom is not so much giving advice that basically tells the other person what to do, but rather, wisdom is putting it all in perspective. Right? Or throwing out a thought/idea for the other person to consider and leave it at that.

    I think I should focus on the forgiveness missing in my own life before I go and point out its use in others' lives. That sounds pretty wise, doesn't it? Slowly, but surely.

  • Mom Nature has menopause. Or bipolar disorder. Or she got broken up with by Father Time. Fairly certain of some universial-weather-problem, but if we could've gotten a memo (or TPS report) about it, that would've been uber helpful. Blame it on the jet stream, blame it on global warming - whatever you do blame these insane weather changes on, there's one thing for certain: something or someone hates our guts. Spring for a day, then winter for another. I'm wearing a thick scarf with my heels today; prepared for either/or. Ready to shiver, ready to sweat. Running in the 43 degree (34 degree windchill) atmosphere this morning wasn't so shabby; it definitely feels cooler now, though, without a cap or sox or 4 miles behind me.

    Now, while I am mainly aiming this pissy dissertation at the weather in southwestern ND, it sounds like the rest of the country could vent the same entry of curiosity. Tornadoes everywhere practically everyday. What's that about? Again, we torked off some higher power or some gathering of activity up yonder in the clouds. I'd just like to permanently put away, say, boots and scarves and mittens. Maybe by mid-June? "We'll see."

    And back to the academic forefront that is my post-semester-mini-depression of going from BUSY BEE to nothing... I decided to design an odd-looking to-do list in order to spice up the goings-on of the next few weeks. I highly doubt that'll help, but it was procrastination of the mental sort. The first item: adding more "Check It Out" pages to the online 120 summer shell in order to display funny/controversial cartoons/billboards/images I've collected. Why not make the world of online classes a better place? Especially since the weather ain't pulling its end of the bargain lately, right? Right.

  • Perhaps it's a good thing that I can take an insane night and come out with some pretty sane thoughts. Right?
    1 > I can admit that I am petty & shallow & imperfect, yet still think I am a worthwhile person for most people to meet. So, I suppose I have an ego too. This doesn't mean I thought anyone didn't want to meet me last night, it's just one of those random thoughts I had on the bus.
    2 > I don't like when 90% of people touch my hair. I can't figure out why this is... and when it looks its best, people want to touch it which causes it to not look its best. And it makes me feel like a pet.
    3 > I also don't like when people ask me if I am having a good time. I must look like I am having a crappy time often, somehow, without me really trying. I thoroughly enjoy myself most of the time whether I look it or not. I wonder if people who, from the outside, look like they are "having fun" really are?
    4 > Running into students/colleagues (former and current) outside of the classroom... I'm still unsure of how to react to it. I want to just be myself and do what I would do whether they were there or not, but there can be consequences to that which I have rebelled against in the past.
    5 > A friend my sisters and I used to know once said that she had enough friends, that she didn't need more which was her reasoning for distancing herself at social gatherings. I thought last night about how I like who I like and I dislike who I dislike, and those categories will probably rarely change. However, I do like to meet new people. And that's a big positive addition to the theory of our previous friend.

    And it's all melting today. I think after a nap, I'll try to run a
    wet 3.0 miles in order to catch up after two days of crazy weather.

  • april26snow

    Ah, yes, Wahpeton, ND makes an appearance on
    From last night until this morning: 18" of snow.

    Needless to say, I won't be running outside AGAIN.
    And I hope everyone gets everywhere they need to be today, safely.

  • I'll admit it. I didn't run this morning. As it turns out, Mom Nature decided that winter shouldn't QUITE leave us yet. And I don't do morning runs in 22 degree windchill. Sorry. Not my thing. It has to be at least 30. And, no, I hate treadmills. So, instead, I watched The Today Show and did some strength/weight training. A few things I realized as I was working my nonexistent arm muscles:
    1) Naturally, I've lost the passion for coffee in the morning typically because when I come back spent from a run, I just want water. [And a gun. To shoot myself with.]
    2) I've also noticed a massive dip in my energies around 7pm. Don't most people see a dip in sugar levels (or something like that) around 3pm? I mean, I'm not getting up any later than normal, so... I guess I am a science experiment. Usually, if I struggle through the 7pm slide (eye exercises, lots of yawns), I'm good to go until I really am completely exhausted mentally and physically around 10/11pm.
    3) Just how many reps of arm exercises should I be doing in order to a) not kill myself or be so sore the next day I can't do my hair and b) see some results in less than a year?

    walking program whirlwind.
    best blogging practices.
    wicked wind again.
    thunderstorms to show?
    no more coffee.
    sick of fruit?
    curly presentation hair.
    high heels lead.

  • "Breck's out!" "Breck's out!"
    It was true 10+ years ago; it is today as well. It's -26 air temp right now, and who doesn't have to lug their butts to class until 10am? You guessed it, Breckenridge kids. Who's got class on time, and yet only across the Red? Right again, Wahpeton. Man, oh man.

  • So, the last time I said that I really wanted it to blizzard, I got stuck in my apt.
    To go nuts alone.
    Today through tomorrow, we're supposed to get 4-7" of the white fun.
    I think if we got way more and school had to close up, I'd be all for it. Bring it on, I'd say.
    If it's not going to be enough for that, then leave me be. I have a teeny car and a small shovel.

    This is on my mind daily (and has somewhat of a connection to the above):
    As an assistant professor, instructor, professional, etc... how dressed up should I be on a regular basis? I mean, at our institution, the dress code is so wide-open. Diesel Tech teachers aren't in suits (which they shouldn't be), same with the
    Auto Body guys, etc. When I teach those students, I'm "dressed up" just because I don't smell like fuel.
    Many male instructors wear nice jeans and the college sweatshirt. I think I make enough of an impact with my attitude and professionalism in class, that I don't necessarily need to wear a suit or dress everyday.
    But, yet... I am young. I am female. There is a double-standard, isn't there?
    ... Heck, with this weather, I'm tempted to just throw on boots and my parka over comfy pants/nice jeans and a sweater. There aren't a lot of colleges like us, so perhaps I'm still just new to this. Then again, at NDSU, many TAs wore jeans and nice sweaters to teach as well. I just wonder why it pops into my head each morning, while staring into at my closet. "Oh, I shouldn't wear jeans on a Monday." But, why not? Especially since, being a fashionista-wannabe, I make any outfit look appropriate.

  • I triple-dog-dare the weather to get COLDER.
    There, I said it.
    C'mon. Try and get my car to die.
    Give it a whirl Mother Nature.
    Show me whatcha got!
    [-11 air temp with -39 windchill. Awesome.]
    Only in the Midwest: 30 above (yesterday) to ten below (today).

    I'm officially stumped with this English 120 class I have on campus. I told Wade earlier on (and I may have blogged this too) that I thought I may have crammed too much into my online class, but, as it turns out, that may not be the case. I may actually not be covering as much as one would in an on-campus class. Maybe. It's still up for debate since I don't lecture on the chapters, just conduct activities and Class Blogs with them (which is what I do with English 110; I cover more chapters in the 120 book too - hmmm). Plus, I don't have a lot of students in the on-campus class. That may contribute to the fact that we're covering everything faster; they are good students too.

    I think the question I am dealing with is whether to rearrange the on-campus class even more than I already have (without confusing the students too much) - adding activities I don't have the online students do, going into more depth with the chapters, etc - or just leave it as is? I want it to be a worthwhile class for me to prepare for, yet I don't want it to look uber different from the online course either. Maybe I'll just ask them today how they feel about the class so far.